I once read in an e-mail sent to me that "politics" should be defined by the actual definition of the two halves of the word: "Poly," meaning "Many," and "Ticks" meaning "blood-sucking creatures." Frankly, I would be inclined to agree. Call me a dreamer, and again, I profess to be FAR from professional when it comes to politics, but wouldn't the nation be better served by candidates who are more concerned on debating current needs/issues of the nation and how they intend on improving the country's situation? More so, when they do, then become President, actually DO what they SAID they were going to do?
I watch bits of CNN on the TVs in the breakroom at work during my short breaks and lunch time and the only things reported, when it comes to politics and the "race for the White House," is which candidate is sleeping with whom and which candidate is part of what religion and other COMPLETELY stupid subjects that really hold no claim to the capabilities of the candidate? "Cain had a 13+ year affair with another woman," "Romney is Mormon," blah blah blah! Last time I checked, when did any of that affect how a President performed? Clinton had an affair with a woman IN THE WHITE HOUSE, however a lot of people claim him to be one of the few best leaders of this country. Kennedy was the first Catholic President and had notches in his bedpost that weren't attributed to his wife, but he was still one of the most beloved Presidents ever.
So Romney is Mormon? Who cares? Let him tell us how he intends to jump-start the economy and generate jobs for the unemployed! Whether you like Obama or not, and believe that he forged a birth certificate or is Muslim or prays to a one-legged turtle, I DON'T FREAKING CARE! Let him tell, rather SHOW us how he is going to "change" this nation for the better, like bringing the soldiers home or keeping taxes at bay so the common working man isn't floundering to pay his bills! Why is everyone so caught up on trying to dig up the dirt and find the skeletons in the closet for these public officials rather than focusing on the actual candidacy and competency of these candidates? NO ONE IS PERFECT, and to expect that from ANYONE, especially politicians, is like Einstein's definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result." NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
Among all this "mudslinging," there are also campaign ads, both for and against representatives. Why are the ones which are against candidates so petty and stupid? "Ron Paul picks his nose and reads 'Modern Brides' while he eats his dinner of baby seals and Ethiopian infants! Don't vote for him, vote CAIN!" Obviously that isn't a real ad, but it might as well be. Each campaign committee is so hell-bent on besmirching the name of the opponents that it's practically a grade-school argument of who is really a poophead.
So forget politics, it's all just "mudslingtics" and the masses of the weak-minded and lazy are led to vote, if they even bother to vote at all, according to who is reported to be a manslut and who drives a gold-plated Bentley. I'm sick of hearing people say, "I don't like that candidate," when it would be more prudent to say, as I have also heard people say, "I don't like their foreign policy on oil importation," or the like. Are we not, in essence, supposed to vote for the politics, not the politician? Who cares if one candidate doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom or looks like he came straight out of the backside of an elephant?! What's his stand on the politics, the policies, the decisions which will help shape this country? Again, I'm not perfect, nor claim to be a political analyst, I'm just a human. Take that for what it's worth.
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