Monday, December 19, 2011

Lookie At the New Room!

      Once upon a time we decided that we wanted to re-do our room.  We had made a promise to each other that if I could decorate my office any way that I wanted, she could decorate the rest of the house however she would like. Obviously this was no gamble because Brittany excels at everything that she does.
      So off to the store we went in hopes of having a room with a rose and black and white color scheme to it.  We even found an awesome picture of one of Brittany's favorite actresses to put into the modernesque theme of the room.  We were soooooooo excited to start and got straight to work, painting and arranging long into the night hours.
      Well, rose color ended up being more the color of Pepto Bismol.  Me being color-blind though, it was kind of fun because sometimes the room was light blue and sometimes it was bubble gum pink.  In any case, we decided recently that the look of Bubble Yum was not quite our thing, so we went with a change.
       I wanted to be able to show Brittany that I could do the new room remodel on my own, more as a gift to her that just a general re-do of a re-do of our room.  So the work started out and I originally was tempted to be lazy and just paint the room and have Brittany help me do all the furniture arranging the next morning.  The last time that I had looked at the clock, it was 3:40 a.m. and I had just barely laid down the finishing coat of paint.  I made the decision to be better than I would have normally been and worked even longer into the night, well morning, to finish the arranging of the furniture and put the new bedding on.  It was soooooo much fun when I woke Brittany up and asked her to "check the paint job" that I had done.  When she came into the room, it was priceless.  She had to rub her eyes a few times, both to focus them as well as convince herself of what she was actually seeing.  Here are a few pictures of the work and the final product:

 The work begins...
Pepto bismol...
 Our new sanctuary, we love it.