No big deal, the first experience that is, but I was still a bit apprehensive about trying everything again. Oddly enough, the thing that I was looking forward to the least was having my finger pricked to test my iron levels. It doesn't hurt so much as it is just annoying. Well, to sum it all up, today was my second "almost" experience that I have had in the passed two days.
So I sign in, fill out the form that confirms I haven't lived in the UK for a total of 5 years since 1995, (and I still have no idea why that even matters), and then it was on into the "interview" room for the additional questions and the finger-poking! :P Well, I get in there and I had marked on the sheet that I had previously donated blood. They asked me how long ago it was that I had donated blood, and I estimated probably about 4 weeks ago. Well, turns out that you can't give blood more than once in an 8 week period, according to the FDA. (those jerks ruin everyone's fun anyway) So, I ALMOST got to give blood today again, which, after my first experience, one would wonder why I would go back for some more potential punishment.
Additionally, I had another sort of "almost" the day before as well. Our cat Vader, (the kitty formerly known as Spartacus), is primarily an indoor cat but has recently found it fun to dart out the door whenever we open it. He will camp out near the door if he sees us going towards it and then scurry outside. Funny part is, he usually makes it about as far as the edge of the property, then comes back inside apparently deciding the life and adventure of an outdoor cat isn't for him.
A couple days ago, Vader went outside and didn't end up coming back within his usual 10 minutes or so. I figured he had decided that being outside, especially with the weather being so nice, was an awesome thing for him, so I didn't worry about it. Well, come time to go to bed, he hadn't come back yet. "Well, he knows where he gets his food, so he will be back sometime," I thought to myself. So I didn't really worry about it. The worry started to set in when he hadn't returned the next morning and hadn't been home by the time I got home from work late in the afternoon. I asked Brittany if he had gotten home and was just somewhere sleeping, but she confirmed that he wasn't anywhere in sight. Come late evening, we were out sitting on our front steps, watiting to see if he happened to wander back home. Our neighbor diagonally from us was out doing some yard work and Brittany suggested that I ask him if he had seen Vader recently. I walked over and asked our neighbor if he had seen a little brown tabby cat recently. Much to my surprise, he turned around and pointed, "Is he the one you are talking about?" I turned and looked in the direction that he was pointing and this is what I found:
Yup, there was Vader, high up in a tree, crying for help and looking as panicked as ever. So.....out came the ladder and I climbed up the tree and pulled a screaming Vader out of the tree and returned him safely to the ground, where he trotted happily home. As far as we know, the little dufus had gotten himself stuck up in that tree and had been there for the day and a half or so that he was missing. So, the day before I almost got to donate blood again, I got to sort of almost be a fireman and save a stuck kitty in a tree.
We are happy to report now that Vader has plastic caps on his front claws that prevent him from scratching the furniture, us, Jack, and from climbing trees.
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